About Resources

The category of Resources is different in many ways from either Scenarios or Skills.  With a Scenario, you are either in one or you are not.  If you are in a scenario you will know it because your life will have been disrupted in some way and your main focus will be to get out of it with your life still intact or get through it by adaptation depending on the expected duration of the situation.  With Skills, you either have them or you don’t.  You may be able to pick up some level of a skill while you are in a scenario but it would be far less painful, stressful or debilitating to have learned that skill beforehand.

Resources on the other hand are much more variable.  With the correct resources available for any scenario, a successful outcome is much more likely than being without them.  However, unlike Scenarios (in it or not) and Skills (have it or not), Resources, if you have them, may run out or expire, wear out, break down, get lost, get stolen, become untransportable, unrepairable, unreliable, separated from you or otherwise cease to be useful in any number of ways. Fortunately, with good luck (not something to be relied upon in stressful times), they may also be capable of being acquired or acceptable substitutes for them found.  Safeguarding, maintaining and generally looking after your resources is therefore likely to be paramount to achieving any success in the long run.

Index of Resources

In addition to the direct links to individual resources provided in the defined scenario and associated skill descriptions, an index of resources is provided under this Tab  for quick and independent reference.

For ease of location, related resources are grouped under general headings in the Resource Groups Index accessible below or directly from the Resources Tab menu.  Selecting a resource group will permit individual resource descriptions to be selected.

You may also browse the entries in the resources category if you wish by clicking the Resources Posts menu option under the Skills Tab.  A site search option is also available in the footer area of each page if you are seeking a particular word or phrase.

Click here for the Resource Groups Index             Top of Page